Ryan William " RECCLESS " Thompson

ryan thompson

Ryan William Thompson, a.k.a chewy, a.k.a reccless was one of a kind. Born November 11th 1991 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He grew into an intelligent, strong, loyal and loving soul. When we were younger he would always get mad and throw fits. Over toys, games all the little things that siblings fight over. He never really got over his flash mode (NIGGA MOMENTS), and those were some of the best stories of Ryan. He was a natural beast at football and was always a giant to those around. His physical appearance matched his spiritual soul, it was just as big. He loved to play video games. Mostly RPG like skyrim or and game where you took your character from level and built him your way. He would always play as the Warrior or Barbarian. True raw power, just like him. We moved around a lot when we were younger, and like me Ryan hated it but he learned how to make friends quickly. Ryan didn't finish high school but did get his GED. This was not because he wasn't smart enough but the complete opposite. He was too smart for his own good and planned to take the world with a force to be reckoned with. As many of you know he was always the light when it was darkest. He could always turn your worst day into the best within a matter of moments of being around him. Ryan never held his tongue a very small filter he had. If he felt you needed to know, it was said. He didn't sugar coat it, he didn't beat around the bush. No matter what he said though it was always exactly what was needed to be said so that you can fix yourself. He was far wiser than the years he had under his belt. Ryan doesn't leave behind a wife or child but did leave behind a Father who was proud of his son and wanted nothing less then the world on a silver plate for him. A mother who was more a friend, she was his kryptonite. 3 brothers : Richard Thompson Jr. who loved him so and sometimes wished he could be more like him, Alex Taylor and Cameron Smith who loved him dearly and were inseparably. And 5 nieces and nephews: Perale Don, Chloie May, Sophia Ann, Briyce Willis, and Alexandra Snow. His time was to short but will always be remembered. May his bright smile that never dimmed continue to glow with you all your life. May his words of wisdom never fall on your deaf ears. He may not be here physically, but he is still with us. If you need him light a blunt look to the skies and your answer will be sent.

Saturday, March 1, 2014
10:00 AM 3/1/2014 10:00:00 AM - 11:00 AM 3/1/2014 11:00:00 AM
Gateway Christian Church

14700 E. Mississippi Ave
Aurora, CO 80012

Gateway Christian Church
14700 E. Mississippi Ave Aurora 80012 CO
United States
Saturday, March 1, 2014
11:00 AM 3/1/2014 11:00:00 AM
Gateway Christian Church

14700 E. Mississippi Ave
Aurora, CO 80012

Gateway Christian Church
14700 E. Mississippi Ave Aurora 80012 CO
United States

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