Sharon Lea Bowling

November 19, 1943 ~ January 14, 2016
Mom left this earth and was carried away by the angels to her Savior in Heaven (Luke 16:22). She always said this was not to be a somber event, but a celebration. Mom was one of the greatest people God ever put on this earth. She was kind and gracious, gentle and caring, compassionate... She loved her God and she loved her family. She had a beautiful singing voice and enjoyed working on crafts. She traveled the world. She loved animals. She was super smart. But more than anything else, she looked forward to sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to His voice. We are going to miss Mom more than words and tears can express. Mom liked listening to Dennis Jernigan music. Mom is our hero and here is a song we dedicate to her: We look forward to seeing her again, Don and her little lambs, DR, Diane, Dana
PRIVATE FAMILY SERVICES TO BE HELD, family has requested NO flowers.
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle