Ronald Engel

December 12, 1951 ~ March 13, 2015
After being diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic and liver cancer just before Thanksgiving, Ron passed away peacefully, in the company of his wife, Sharon Engel, on Friday, March 13, 2015 at the age of sixty-three. Please join us on Sunday, March 22, 2015 to celebrate his life. The Memorial Service will be held at Englewood High School, 3800 S. Logan Street, Englewood CO at 2pm in the auditorium.
Ron, a Colorado native, born to John William and Phyllis June Engel on December 12, 1951, was the 2nd of three children in his family. Ron, his older brother, Steve Engel, and his younger sister, Janie Hamman, all support the City of Englewood and their proud alma mater, the Englewood High School Pirates. Ron cherished the memories of his high school athletic years, participating in football, wrestling and track. Despite his modest attitude, Ron was all conference in football, wrestled at the State competition and excelled in track. His success provided him the opportunity to attend the University of Colorado where he played football for the Buffaloes and traveled to the Blue Bonnet Bowl in Texas.
Ron returned home to help his dad run the family business. He quickly developed a huge following of clients and friends at Bill’s Auto Service, 900 E. Hampden Ave, Englewood CO. He enjoyed serving the Swedish Medical Center and Craig Hospital patients and staff with all of their auto care needs and lent his listening ear to all who needed it. He developed a very large, loyal group of patrons at the shop. Many of whom, stopped by for regular coffee talk and to listen to Ron’s take on life. He paid special attention to his elderly clients and would always go the extra mile to help out those in need.
Anyone who knew Ron, knew just how important his family was to him and just how proud he was of his family. He made a lifetime full of memories with Sharon celebrating 34 years of marriage this past December. He was a dedicated father and role model to his sons Billy (John William) Engel and John Coots and his daughter Marijane Thomas-Jobe. His son Billy was blessed to marry Marlo in Las Vegas this past July and Ron was blessed to be a witness to that special event. His son John celebrated 15 years of marriage this past January to “his bride”, Cathy, and they have two sons Michael (who is finishing up Basic Training for the US Army) and Ryan who just celebrated his 10th birthday. His daughter, Marijane, reunited with Jared, a friend from her high school days, and fell in love. They share a beautiful blended family of 4. Kyler was just accepted to the Colorado School of Mines, Madison and Hailey will be entering their senior year of high school in the Fall and Hannah will be starting seventh grade. Ron loved bragging about his grandchildren and very much enjoyed watching them play sports and supporting them in all they did. He will always be their biggest fan.
In lieu of flowers, the Engel family has established a memorial fund in Ron’s honor. The “Pirate Athlete’s Assistance Fund” will assure that all kids are given the opportunity to play the game. Donations to the “Pirate Athlete’s Assistance Fund” will be accepted at the memorial service on Sunday or Englewood High School at any time. 3800 S. Logan Street, Englewood, CO 80113
Dearest Engel Family,
I know your hearts are so heavy. Losing someone like Ron at such a young age is very difficult. Ron was such a nice man, kind, honorable and genuine. I loved his smile. There are no words that can describe a loss like this. Just know you are in my thoughts and lots of prayers and hugs are coming your way.
So very sorry for your loss.
I grew up four doors down from Ron and the whole family. He was always like an idol growing up along with Steve. My family have been close to the Engel family over the years. I am so sad to here of his death. May he rest in peace. Great football player!!! Even better person.
My condolences to the family. Ron was always a man among boys. A gentleman and kind hearted.
My heart breaks for you Sharon & all the Engel family members. Ron was such a good man & a friend to many. I know that he loved you all with all of his being. Take Care.
Prayers sent from the Hixson family to the Engel family,
Carolyn Hixson
My heart goes out to Sharon, and all the rest of Ron's wonderful family. Ron was always kind, sweet, and lovely to me, and I won't ever forget watching him excel in every sport he played. He was an outstanding athlete, and a caring and humble person. Thanks, Ron, for all you gave to EHS.
With my deepest sympathy,
Sue Longsine Kirk
My heart is saddened to learn of Ron's passing. He was such a great guy and so handsome. 🙂 I didn't know him in school, as he was three years older – otherwise I'm sure I would have had a crush on him. He worked on my old cars and my dad's Cadillacs – even my parents' neighbors on Humboldt St. Many years ago, he fell for a trick I played on him, pretending to be from a radio station, calling him to say he won a Tom Selleck Look-Alike contest. Fun memories. I'm so sorry for the Engel family and his wife and kids. We'll never understand these things this side of heaven. My prayers are with you all.
My heartfelt condolences to Sharon and family. While I saw Ron only occasionally at the shop, he was always warm and full of humor. He beat me out at tailback in my senior year at EHS, but I always considered him a friend and fellow Pirate. Rest in Peace, friend.
Sweet Sharon and your beautiful children and grand-children, my heart goes out to you all. Please know what an impression Ron has made to everyone he had contact with – he was a genuine friend who really listened when you talked, and made you feel important even when he was busy.
I will always remember that big smile on his face even though he was the tough football player – he was a very kind spirit. We spent weekends every summer through high school water skiing at Horsetooth Reservoir – we always had fun with the Johannes family, playing cards, boating, or just being teenagers.
We all had hoped to see you both at the class reunion years ago, but you were with us in spirit anyway. Sharon, I know you still have a big heart and your children will be there for you to help you maintain your strength. Family is everything and you are blessed. Sending big HUGs and lots of love to you. XO Kim C
To All of Ron's great family – My heart goes out to you with Ron's loss.
Having grown up so close to the Engels, we were fortunate to see such a close loving family as yours. Ron's rise in football and sports made everyone proud.
Ron and I visited at the shop last fall – he immediately stopped 'shop business', welcomed me and took a few minutes to talk and reminisce. We all will remember his calm energy (AND his smile!). You are so lucky to have him in your hearts and memories forever.
Condolences to the Engel family.
I had met Ron just recently but knew all was in God's hands. He is with God now and happy. We must continue life without him physically but know in our hearts he is always with us.
My deepest sympathy and my prayers for the family.
Sharon may God's comfort and grace be with you and the entire Engel family during this time of mourning. Ron had a special way of making everyone feel like they were his friend. He was always uplifting no matter the situation. Ron touched many people and we are all better for knowing him. I like many will miss him.
Sincere condolences to Ron's family and friends.
Heaven has open the doors once again for a fellow Pirate.
Rest in Peace
As customers for many years, we are familiar with Ron's warm smile and kind concerns. He was a wonderful cornerstone in our community, and we will miss him. He is one of those irreplaceable people that we were blessed to cross paths with. Love and prayers to his family.
My condolences to the Engel family.
When I was a young boy attending Sinclair Jr. High, I enjoyed going to EHS football games and watching Ron tear up the field. Ron was an inspiration to many future pirates.
Thank you Ron for making Friday night under the lights so much fun.
Sharon may Gods comfort and Grace be with you and the entire Engel Family. Ron I will remember all the fun we had at the Tracy Borah wrestling camp in Gunnison Colorado also the many years of Flag Football. Memories Forever.
Sharon, Bill, and family, It is hard to fathom what has transpired in the last few short months. It is harder yet to comprehend the pain and tears you have all been going through. It seems so unfair that such a generous man, as Ron was, that would help anyone and could fix anything, has been taken at only 63. You are all in our prayers, and we sincerely hope that very soon, any thoughts or mention of Ron will bring big smiles from fond memories and less tears of pain and sorrow.
I am a customer of Bill's Auto and it was a pleasure to work with Ron, he will be dearly missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
On behalf of the entire Wegert family we want to extend our deepest sympathies to the entire Engle family. Ron was an inspiration to those of use who came after him as well as a friend and classmate to those who were lucky enough to have him as a classmate and friend. Gods Speed!
Our condolences to the Engel family. Ron was truly an amazing man who will forever hold a very special place in our hearts. We feel very blessed and fortunate to have known him as a good friend for so many years, although it has not been nearly long enough. We will miss him dearly and we will always remember his smile and good nature and will never forget the kindness, encouragement, love and support he shared freely and warmly with each of us. A great man and in Pirate fashion he stole our hearts. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Dear Sharon, Marijane, John and the entire Engel family: I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. Ron was a special man who spread love and laughter to everyone throughout his life. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this difficult time. Much love, Marijane
I new Ron very we'll he was very fine man . All of my school memories of school sports he is in them. The last time we talked we did laughed and talk of old times. He will be missed . I am proud to have known him
Sharon, You are in my thoughts today. What a wonderful couple you and Ron have been. I remember you both very fondly. I am so sorry about your loss. Love, Marta
Today's service was a wonderful testament to the impact Ron made on others and how much he meant to his family and friends. He will always be remembered as a friendly, personable and loving person. We were blessed to have known him. The Pirate Athlete's Assistance Fund will allow Ron's legacy at Englewood to continue for generations to come. With our deepest sympathy and unending prayers to Sharon and the entire family.
My deepest sympathies to the entire family. The memorial service was just lovely and I feel like I know Ron so well. As a co-worker of Sharon's I have known of his battle these past few months and wish her all the peace possible in the coming months as well.
Have known Ron for many years. Had Kwik-Way Cleaners, logan & hampden for 29 years. Was auto tech retired.He was always very helpful with me with my car problems, He will be missed.
l met Ron when I was 16 my dad use to have Bill work on his car when he couldn't figure out. We live only a block away from the shop. I would stop and talk to Ron on my way home from school. He did have a massive falling quicly. He will be missed. I will miss him. He always made smile
Sharon and family, we learned last week about Ron's departure to be with our heavenly Father and family that preceded him. I'm sure they (our heavenly hosts) have baseball, not sure if they have football. Ron will find fulfillment in his new role possibly managing and seeing all angels have a chance to play.
His journey with you was short, but there's a plan for him as there is for all of us. Only God knows what our life design is and he was ready for Ron to join his team. He would not have done this had your family not been prepared for his departure, and had blessed assurances that the family is secure and ready to move on. Ron is watching over you now, and will forever.
You are all in our prayers, and thanks so much for sharing some of Ron's journey with us. Please continue to find solace, peace, in close family and friends and may God bless your days as you continue to fulfill his plan for you.
With all our love,
Phil and Missy Reeves