Robert M. Repair

June 3, 1928 ~ January 11, 2013
Robert M. Repair
Age 84, passed away on Friday, January 11, 2013 in Englewood, Colorado. Bob was born on June 3, 1928 in Niagara Falls, N.Y.
He is survived by his wife, June. He has three children, Rusty (Susan), Scott (Carol) and a daughter Mar-Lee who is deceased. He is also survived by his brother Bill (Ramona) of Portland, Oregon. He has five grandkids, Trina, Dan, Jackie, Jimmy and Jessica. He also has five great grandkids, Mikayla, Mallory, David, Myah, Jackson, and numerous nephews and nieces whom he loved.
Besides raising three children, Bob worked at Martin Marietta where he retired after 42 years of dedicated service. Bob's hobbies included Bowling, Softball, Basketball and Wood working.
Bob was in the Army for five years and attained the rank of Corporal during the Korean war.
Funeral services will be held Friday, January 18th, 2013 at the Englewood United Methodist Church at 9:45 a.m. located at 3885 So. Broadway, Englewood, Co. Internment will be at Ft. Logan National cemetery at 11:15 a.m. Services will be conducted by Pastor Judy Taylor, Carlton Bennett (Butch) and his wife Lou Bennett.
Rusty Repair Susan Repair
Scott Repair Carol Repair
Dan Repair Jimmy Repair
Honorary Pallbearers
Bill Repair Carlton Bennett
In Lieu of flowers, please send contributions to the Employee Counsel Fund at Julia Temple
located at 3401 South Lafayette, Englewood, Co. 80113 or the Englewood United methodist Church memorial fund, located at 3885 South Broadway, Englewood, CO. 80110
Immediately following the service at Ft. Logan, everyone is invited to the Englewood United Methodist Church for a light snack
and sharing of stories.
Sign the Guestbook, Light a Candle