Marvin Roy Benintendi
August 9, 1937 ~ December 27, 2015
Marvin Roy Benintendi
Marvin "Mike" Benintendi, 78, passed away on December 27, 2015 in Denver, Colorado. Visitation will be held on Saturday, January 2, at Bullock Colonial Chapel, from 3:00PM-6:00PM. Funeral services are on Monday, January 4, 10:00 AM, at Denver First Church of the Nazarene, followed by burial at Loveland Burial Park & Lakeside Cemetery.
condolences from brother Ray to Freda, Sheila, & Sherri.
My dear brother has gone to be with Jesus. I can only imagine the reunion in Heaven with our parents and loved ones. I send love to his dear wife Freda and his beautiful daughters. May our Lord comfort you in your sorrow and give you the assurance that Mike is alive and well and in the presence of Jesus.
Freda, Sheila, & Sherri, We sorrow with you but not as the world does for we know that we will see your husband, dad & my uncle again and what a great reunion that will be! Uncle Mike is present with the Lord. Jesus is coming and we will soon be with our loved ones, in this we can take comfort. I love you and will be praying for you.
I am at a loss for words during this sorrowful time. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for peace and comfort. Sending my love.
May memories of Mike and the love of family surround you and give you strength in the days ahead. I remember all the fun times with your family and hold them dear to my heart. I love you Freda, Sheila and Sherry and you are in my prayers.
One of my earliest memories of Uncle Mike also involved Sherri, my dad (Ray), and myself. We four were standing outside… I believe it was at the Assembly of God Campmeeting in CO. Sherri and I were very young. I believe I was holding onto Uncle Mike's pant leg, or had ahold of his leg. Sherri reached up to my dad, wanting him to pick her up. When my dad reached down and picked her up, she was very startled. It was then that Sherri and I realized we had accidently exchanged dad's for a brief time.
I am so glad that Heaven is a Real place. The Biggest and Best Family Reunion is yet to come. Jesus is coming Soon!! We will see Uncle Mike again.
My Love and prayers are with you Aunt Freda, Sheila, and Sherri
Uncle Mike will be missed. I loved his warm smile and his gentle ways. I remember hearing his heart ticking and thinking it was incredible. I know I will see him again but until then he is remember in my heart. I love you, Uncle Mike!
Heaven just got better!
Heaven is even a Better place now that uncle Mike has finally arrived..
He will always have a special very place in my heart and I look forward to seeing him again…Love and prayers for aunt Freda, Sheila, and Sherri. Ray Jr.
Heaven just got better!
Heaven is even a better place now that uncle Mike has finally arrived…
He will always have a very special place in my heart and I am looking forward to seeing him again. Love and prayers for aunt Freda, Sheila and Sherri. Ray Jr.
We will miss you Brother Mike. You may be gone from our sight but always in our heart. The good times live on in our memory. May God bless and comfort to the family.
(2nd note from "Brother" Ray)
My brother Mike sang Happy Birthday to me on my 80th birthday. When Freda asked me how it feels to be 80, I told her that my youth is being "renewed like the eagle's". (Ps. 103:5) I know that Mike is in a place where We will Never grow old.
On first meeting, I was struck by how quickly I was accepted into Mike's and Freda's extended family and I will cherish that forever.
Our deepest sympathy to Freda, Shauna and Sherrie –We will all miss Mike but know he is 100% well and with our Lord–a true Blessing for him. Sympathy from Lu & Stu Stuurmans and Larry & Judy Kindred as well- we were all members of Calvary Temple at one time. Our Lord is faithful and He will fill the emptiness you feel!!. 12
We have great memories of times we spent with Mike and Freda. Years ago, Freda, Mike, Terry, and I had season tickets to the symphony. We always met for dinner before the evening of music. We would take turns picking the restaurant, many that we had never eaten at before. Some turned out to be rather interesting, to say the least. We had many laughs and enjoyable evenings together. Precious memories. Mike will be missed!! We love you Freda, Sheila, and Sherri!
Sherri & Sheila – I am very sorry for your loss.
Sheila, I just learned of the loss of your father last week. Please accept my condolences. It was so wonderful that he was able to see you receive the award, and to attend the NAMI Walk.