Iris Lucille Linder

iris linder

Iris Lucille Linder passed on August 19th, 2020.  Born September 24th, 1930, in Denver Colorado.  She left this world in peace, in her own home, which she always wanted.  She was married to her husband Jesse (Jack) Linder Jr. for 48 years.  Jack passed in 2005.  She is survived by her 2 sons, John and Jay.  John has 2 children Jesse and Adina, and Jay and his wife Jennifer have 2 children Savana and  Wyatt.   Iris was an amazing Wife, Mother and Grandma,  a school teacher by trade, and a great friend to many by passion.  A month short of her 90th birthday, it was a peaceful end to an amazing 90 year waltz, filled with a full list of names of people she touched.  Thank you Iris for being in our lives.

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