Eyer Cosseboom, Jr.

eyer cosseboom, jr.

Eyer Cosseboom, Jr.


Eyer Cosseboom, Jr. left his physical body April 7, 2014 at 3:25pm.  

He had lived a full life and was ready to move on to a new expression.  In his passing he left his wife Betty, her four children, Shirley, Marilynn, Peggy and Dwight; and his son from a previous marriage, Ron.

As I sit and try to write this regarding my Father, I’m struck with the immensity of his influence on those he’s known in his 90+ years on the planet. 

He’s been gone a week, and in that time, I’m learning more about a man I called Papa; a total other side that I never saw and yet I experienced as I grew up under his guidance.  There are so many memories and now they are being enriched with the sharing and comments of those who were taught by him at Climax and knew him both as a teacher and a friend.

I’m grateful that I had the time I did with him and sad to have him go on to the next experience of life.  It is wonderful to learn there was so much more to my Father than I knew.

Thank you Papa for being with me as long as you were and I pray you are watching over me as you have for so many years before moving on.

Love and miss you!


Memorial services were held at the Bullock Colonial Chapel on Friday, April 11, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Private family graveside services followed on Monday, April 14, 2014 at Fort Logan National Cemetery.

Family and friends are encouraged to share stories and photograph's of Eyer here on his website. (click appropriate tab above)



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  1. Eyer was a very special and loving person.  I am so grateful that I got to know him over the last 25 years.  He was so special to Betty and I am really happy he came into her life after the loss of her husband.  I will miss our visits and telephone calls and his always jovial nature.  I know he has joined God in heaven.

  2. Our love is with you as you continue your journey to your Heavenly Father.  We will miss you, and smile when we think of your stories, your humor and the good times we have shared, and are forever grateful for the wonderful way you treated our mother, Betty Reed Cosseboom.  Rest in Peace

  3. The service was perfect!  Dad would have approved.  I would have spoken but I have laryngitis, so in the next few days I'll add my thoughts and remembrances to this site.

    I want to thank everyone who came to celebrate Dad's life and especially I want to thank Gus for handling everything so perfectly and Rev. Loye for a wonderful ceremony!  Everything you said was exactly what Dad would have appreciated, although he might have talked with you afterwards and discussed the service because his mind was always working.  He was always thinking.

    LOVE and Blessings and Deepest Gratitude!  

    Ron (aka Rev. Ronald G.)

  4. My condolences to Ronald and Family.  Mr. Cosseboom was my teacher since 4th grade and later my principal.  He was fair and expected our best in all endeavors. Many of us also remember that he was the basketball coach when the Blue Devils won the State Championship in the 3A division.  I believe he was loved by all.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. He was and will always remain as one of the Great teachers and Coaches in my years in Climax. He set an example that I have always tried to use as my standard to live by. All the kids at Climax loved him and we will miss him Greatly—-

  6. Coach, was the best teacher that I had in my educational life. The family will have one of the best guarding Angels watching  over their lives. He was truly a great person….

  7. He helped convince a lady I was living my senior year that she needed to help me go on the class trip to NY.  He taught me History and encouraged us all to get good grades.  He always would listen to us all. He coached my brother's in basketball and they won State in C class! Loved that man..  Shirley Cunningham

  8. He was a wonderful example to all those who knew him and a "pro" at encouraging those who  needed guidance….we were fortunate to have him in our lives and he will be missed.  XO

  9. Mr. Cosseboom was always one of my favorite people. My mother knew him through teaching at Climax, and my sister and I went all the way through school there and had the pleasure of knowing him all those years. He was a great man and wonderful role model – he will be missed.

  10. Ron, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family.  Your father was respected and loved by so many students at Climax – and I certainly was one of them.  His loss is great, but I am just thankful for the time that I knew him.


  11. So sorry for your loss.   Your father was one in a million.  Our prayers are with you.

  12. The Serna Family extends its condolences to you, his family!  My entire family feels the loss of a remarkable friend and a truly “humanistic” individual!  Mr. Cosseboom was the cog that made the wheels turn during our school years at Climax.  He was an extraordinarily caring individual. Next to our parents, he was the one who sincerely cared about each of us.  He practiced leadership, administration, teaching, friendship, respect and professionalism that were unparalleled.  Mr. Cosseboom hired teachers that followed his lead and example in caring about and teaching/coaching the Climax students.  His attendance at our all-school reunions was a very special and welcoming draw to all of us.  Mr. Cosseboom was loved and respected as a very special person in our lives.  You were blessed to be his family and we were very fortunate to have him in our lives at such a critical stage in our lives.  He did more than teach the curriculum classes.  Mr. Cosseboom taught us principles, morals and self-discipline that would develop our character as a reflection for the rest of our lives.  He deserves many, many thanks!

  13. Your Dad was so special in many ways as he nurtured many of us Climax kids through school and play.  I wrote an economics term paper for him in one class and got a "C" and thought it  was great.  I turned in basically the same paper in to a college Prof. and got an "A" .  I also never learned anything from that Prof. like I did from you Dad.  He gave courage to later even teach economics.

    May God Bless you with the many Happy Memories.


  14. Mr. Cosseboom was what made school in Climax very special. I wish schools everywhere could have principals just like Mr. C.  I never had him in class, but saw him coach our winning basketball teams, as my father and mother drove us to every game, many being miles away. As our principal, he expected neatness and said that one receives more respect from others and you respect yourself more. He expected respect and order and his school operated very efficiently. We were so lucky to have had Mr. C. head our school and only wished he would have stayed until the last class from Climax graduated.

  15. Condolences to all the family.

      Mr. C. didn't change as he were forward in this life.  He certainly touched so many lives and influenced the same.  I don't know how many also had the chance to work with him in the education field but the same values were there–I never was able to call him by his first name. I  always considered him an educator instead of me trying to be an equal as I couldn't reach his level of dedication and just being him.  

      Peace be with all of you.

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