Elaine J. Finster-Bytnar

July 5, 1940 ~ October 12, 2016
Elaine Janice Finster-Bytnar
Elaine was born July 5, 1940 in Buffalo, New York. She passed away October 12, 2016 in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. She is survived by her husband Stanley Bytnar and numerous other relatives and friends. (Elaine's life story will be added soon).
The family will be receiving friends at the Bullock Colonial Chapel on Wednesday, October 19th from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and again on Thursday, October 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Graveside services will follow on Thursday, October 20th at 2:00 p.m. at the Evergreen Memorial Park (26624 N Turkey Creek Rd, Evergreen, CO 80439). Memorial services will be held at the St. John Chrysostom Episcopal Church, 13151 W. 28th Avenue, Golden, Colorado 80401 on Saturday, October 22nd at 1:00 p.m. Immediately following the memorial service, the family invites all in attendance for a reception and a light meal at the church.
**If directions are needed to any of the above locations, please click service details button on the left side of this page, then click the service in which you will be attending, there is a directions tab located within this information.
Family and friends are welcome to share stories and photographs of Elaine here on her website (click appropriate tab on the left hand side of this page).
Elaine my dear long time friend I am so glad I came to Colorado to see you on 9/24/16. while you were still awake. See this lady, and I was like sisters for many years, matter of fact we were friends for over forty one 41 years. Her mother, Dell, Brother Earl, and aunt Sofia all was in is my dear friends. I reflect back with tears in my eyes, and pain in my heart today, but also remember our times together as memories of how I was with her, her mother when I met my last husband, and how she was my bride maid, and later I flew from Ca. for her wedding about twenty one years ago to Stanley who remains her loving spouse. My friend I will miss you, and love you. Also my Daughter Gwen always checked on you, and prayed. My children, and family cared. Rest my dear in God.
please have are deepest condolences and I will miss a good friend
She touched many lives here and I imagine will be very busy on the other side. I am happy that she suffers no more, but will miss her.
Thanks to Elaine for all she did for our handwriting group. We treasurer her friendship and will miss her very much. I'm sure the angels rejoice in her entrance to heaven. Stanley, please know that you are welcome any time! You two were quite a pair! We enjoyed you both.
Stanley and friends and family of Elaine, So much do we send you all comfort for our loss of Elaine in this physical world. Elaine was one of the very first "out there" friends I met many years ago through the A.R.E. and I have so enjoyed our connection, even though we never lived close to one another. She will be missed and we celebrate her beautiful presence on the planet. I'm certain we are all the richer for her life.
Love blessings, Aurelia,
It was my great pleasure to have met Elaine some 3 years ago, at a mutual friends' gathering. She and I became fast friends, and I so appreciated her deep knowledge of all things esoteric. I would visit with Elaine, and we would have wonderful conversations. I could call her to talk about life, and she was always so wise with her advice. I am so grateful to have had the honor to be with Elaine many times while she was in hospice. I held her hand, and reminder her of what an amazing woman she is, and how she touch so many lives. She will be missed by so many, and most definitely by me. Thank you, Elaine, for your gracious friendship. Rest in peace. Much love, Victoria
We will all miss Elaine, she was a driving force in our community with gatherings and parties. Elaine did what she could to help others. Best of luck.
It was a pleasure to know her.
Will& Gail
As a family we were thrilled when our Uncle Stanley fell in love with Aunt Elaine. I had the privilege of attending their ceremony of love 22 years ago as they united in marriage. Aunt Elaine has been an encouragement and light to our family. She always wanted to know how the family was doing and put others before herself. She was loved and will be missed. Memory Eternal Aunt Elaine.
Elaine was a very special sister-in-law. I will miss her because she and Stan were very special and happy together. I was so happy for both of them meeting and having a full life together. Love, Virginia
Uncle Stanley,
I am so sorry to hear about Aunt Elaine. Denise has been keeping me up in updates and I know both of you have had a rough time recently. We will keep you in prayer. Please know that we love you.
Our deepest sympathies,
Barbie & Tim
I will always miss my loving sister Elaine. She was always so supportive in Allison did. When she lived in California I went to live with her to pursue my radio career., the reason she lives min Denver is because she followed my out there. I'm glad and treasure all the time we had together. Love your brother Earl.
Marie Angel Alley, my former spouse, informed me of Elaine's passing. My condolences to the family and to Marie Angel. Elaine was a true heart and I know she will be missed.
Our family would love when "Uncle Stanley" would visit, especially since he had such a special relationship with Denise and Barb when they were young. It was, then, with great joy that we were able to attend Stanley and Elaine's wedding. They were a great support to us, and I enjoyed talking with her over the phone. We prayed for her in her final illness, and will continue to remember and pray for Stanley and the rest of the family in this time of grief. She was a very special lady, and I'm glad we got to know her.
Thank you for the many gifts and phone calls that you have given to me. I will always appreciate your stories and insight. All the love, Jess
It was with much surprise and delight when Stan informed us he was getting married so very many years ago. When we met Elaine, we knew she was Stan's soul mate. Her graciousness and welcome when we would visit will be remembered for years to come.
Best to you Stanley and family. Many years of being in your group. Much Love.
Dear Stanley,
I was so sorry to hear of Elaine's passing. She was such a dynamo and had a passion for everything she did. A beautiful soul who loved and gave to others. May you be comforted by all those who she touched with her brilliant light and understanding. Sending you {{hugs}} for your tender and broken heart. ♥ ♥ ♥
If it wasn't for Elaine I would not be starting a career in Feng Shui. I loved talking to her over phone. God and goddess now all dance with h
Love you Elaine
I am so sad to hear you lost your beautiful Elaine. Until this email arrived I was not aware she had taken a turn. Last I spoke to her she was sure she had licked her cancer. You will be in my prayers. she took care of everyone, what a kind and generous soul.
I always enjoyed staying with you and Elaine when there was an event in Denver, and appreciated the offer so I didn't have to drive back alone late at night. Elaine was a sweetheart. She reminded me of my favorite Aunt who coincidentally passed away at the end of September in Illinois. I said many prayers for you both the last few years as she was brought to my mind. I will surely miss her. Sending condolence and a hug to you Stanley.