Audrey Wessbecker

September 24, 2005
Audrey Wessbecker (Boeck) was born on June 14, 1928 in the city of Young America Minnesota to Fred and Lenora Boeck. Fred was the town barber for years. Audrey was a good student and involved in band playing the drums. She was also a pianist and played for school plays, etc. She attended Central High School in Norwood, Minnesota. She enjoyed watching baseball which is where she met Richard (Dick) Wessbecker. Dick was a local farm boy who played for the town baseball team. Shortly after meeting Dick, they began their romance which endured through Dick being deployed to WWII for 18 months. Upon his return home, they continued their courtship and were married in 1949.
Audrey and Dick moved to Colorado in 1950 when Audrey was 6 months pregnant with their oldest son, Mark. While Audrey was delivering Mark in the hospital, Dick bought their house at 3360 S. Logan. He brought Audrey and his new son to their newly purchased home. Craig was born on January 23rd 2 years later. Following Craigs birth came their daughter Mary in 1955 and their son, Kirk in 1956. Dick and Audrey joined the St. Louis Catholic parish where they remained faithful members until their deaths.
Audrey leaves behind not only her four children, but Mark's wife, Gloria and their children, and grandchildren, Mary's husband, Scott and their children and Kirk's children. All live in the Denver metro area. Audrey was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer on July 20th and passed away on September 24th after fighting valiantly and suffering much.
We'd like you to remember Audrey, not as a victim to cancer but the wonderful, awesome and remarkable person she was. Audrey was a busy and talented lady. First with her was always family. When the children were little she would bake carmel rolls every week end, always had the cookie jar full, canned yearly and loved home making. She was active in all the children's school activities. If there was a game to be at, she was there and always car pooled others children. She was present when Mary tried out for and made the St. Louis cheer leading squad. She attended each and every sporting event any of the 4 children had. She should be noted for her commitment to the yearly St. Louis Jamboree where she helped successfully prepare and serve the famous "spaghetti dinner." She has been an active member of the St. Louis Altar and Rosary society for years. She blessed this parish by playing the organ for church services for free as a gift for years and also played for many, many weddings and funerals.
Audrey was extremely talented. She crocheted, played cards, was a member of various card clubs, and daily worked the New York Times crossword puzzles. When the children were younger she sewed all their clothes. She loved all kinds of dance. She and Dick were members of the Polka Lovers Club of America. They were smooth on their feet and enjoyed ball-room dancing, swing and mostly polka dancing. She loved music and enjoyed listening to it as well as playing the piano and organ.
Audrey was always supportive to Dick and her four children. She took an active role in the Englewood Stock Car Association when Dick was involved, she worked part time for Dick in his insurance company and she was continually supporting her children in their lives and the lives of their children. She absolutely loved being a grandmother. She delighted in crocheting blankets for the new babies, holding and loving them and attending birthday parties. One of her favorite things to do as her grandchildren got older was to go and vacation with them and watch them water ski, jet ski and just bask in the sun! In their earlier days, Audrey and the kids went daily to Wolhurst Country Club. She wasn't much for the "swimming" part but loved the sun and watching her children have fun. Over the years, that was replaced by lakes, friends, water skiing and food and fellowship. She and Dick took the entire family, kids and grandchildren to Lake Powell one year. Paying for the entire trip in order to have life long memories.
Games and fun were a part of Audrey's life as well. Nothing better than being on the winning team of "Crazy Horse" which is a board game the family has played since the Wessbecker children were little. She delighted in seeing her grandchildren fight over who was going to be Grandma's partner playing crazy horse. She enjoyed cards and dominos as well. Challenge her and she was always ready to accept.
Audrey found herself alone, after Dick died in 1998. The loss, after being married nearly 50 years was devastating. This was one time in her life where it was dark and lonely. She drew great comfort from her family, but was blessed when she met her special friend Don. Don and Audrey began a friendship which just blossomed for both of them and remained close until the end. They enjoyed each others company, fine dining, and traveling. Audrey loved travel and was limited as to how much she could travel when Dick was alive because of health problems. Once she met Don, the sky was the limit. What a delightful gift he was to her
When asked by the children and grandchildren, "What Words Describe Your Mother", this is just a small list of what they had to say:
LOVING - Mom was truly concerned and cared about each and every one of us, her children, her grandchildren and her great grandchildren. She wanted to be there for us, show us love and be involved in what we were doing. She would give money towards things we or her grandchildren needed. She visited us, spent the night with us, vacationed with us and genuinely enjoyed being around us. Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter were always a day to be spent at home - Audrey's home. Tradition was important to mom. After Dad died, she said, "As long as I have breath and can, I will cook and have my entire family to my home for the holidays." Mom lived up to that tradition. Christmas was her favorite holiday. For years, Mom had her precious friend Laura come over and decorate the tree and help put up the house decorations. She prided herself on her tree and house decor. It was so important for Mom to have a warm and inviting home.
THOUGHTFUL - Mom was always sending a card, giving a small gift, baking a rhubarb pie to give away, crocheting a doily for someone special, making a special shripm/macaroni salad for a close friends birthday and just calling to check in. Mom knew the way to a mans heart could be found via the stomach. She prided herself on baking her special rhubarb pies for her boys! You could find Mark and Eric fighting over their pieces and Scott, sitting away in the corner of the kitchen polishing off the entire pie! Kirk could be found stealing away � the cookies in the cookie jar and Craig was often graced with various special dishes mom prepared and took to his home. Mom always called and asked what the kids wanted for gifts or better yet, gave the money to us kids to let us buy her grandchildren exactly what they wanted.
GIVING - Mom was like no other when it came to giving. Whether the need was money, time, energy, a listening ear, a meal or more - you could count on her to be there. She not only gave to her family, but she gave to her families, families and to her friends and their families. Many here today, sitting in the pews are recipients of her generosity. They have a doily, a knick-knack, a birthday card, a get well card, a baby's blanket and more. Our mom loved giving gifts. She enjoyed looking through various catalogs to pick out just the perfect gift for that special person. She and Dick gave by opening their homes to families who had suffered a tragedy and had a loved one in Craig Rehabilitation Center. She befriended these families, offered her home, her car her food and her love. The incredible thing about mom is that she continued to give and love these families long after the stay at Craig Rehabilitation. She truly cared about people.
CARING - We can't talk about mom and not mention the many, many times she was a nurse to us. Her biggest job of course was caring for Dad during his many failing years. But, us kids were a close second, especially, Craig, Kirk and Mary. Mark seems to be the healthy one of the bunch. Mom took us in at various times into her home and nursed us back to health as well as she did her companion, Don. She would cook, care for and just be there when we were hurting. She drove us to doctors, hospitals, etc. After Mary's surgery and emergency visit, she came and lived at our house for 2 weeks to help care for and get me back on my feet. We knew we could count on mom.
RELATIONAL - Mom was about relationships. She treasured her family and friends. She delighted in sitting on her back patio and just sharing a glass of wine with a loved one. She look forward to taking us kids out for our birthdays for dinner. She enjoyed the food, but the fellowship so much more. She worked diligently to keep in contact with her many beloved friends out of state or just out of the Denver area. She religiously sent out birthday cards, anniversary cards, get well cards, or just thinking about you cards. Mom received over 45 cards for her birthday alone. What a legacy. The day before her passing, mom rallied to speak - long distance to her close friend Mary. Although dehydrated, sedated and weak, she was able to muster up the energy to ask her special friend, "Where are you" after being told they were traveling home from Florida. She still cared about others up to her final moment.
So, what Audrey's children would love for you to remember is all she was to you and what a truly "REMARKABLE" lady she was!
Viewing at the mortuary Sunday and Monday 5-8 p.m.. Mass of Christian Burial St. Louis Catholic Church Tuesday 10:00 a.m.. Interment Fort Logan National Cemetery. Friends may make contributions to JDFR, 10555 E. Dartmouth Ave. #250, Aurora, CO 80014.
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